Monthly Archives: August 2014

Girls Be Like Stylin’! (Part I)

Theda Bara as Cleopatra (1917)

Theda Bara as Cleopatra (1917)

Hang on, we’re going for a ride!

It’s time we paid a visit to those ladies of the past who either had a flare for dressing themselves up or were just plain tasteless.  Either way, we love ’em!

I must confess that I sell these cards because I am completely entranced by the old images.  They are a habit I can’t quit.  And one of the grand reasons are the women – if they aren’t cause enough to want to time travel, nothing is.

As usual, many of these images are now available as ultra-cool note cards. You just  need to click on the image to see if it’s available at my Etsy shop.  If it doesn’t appear to be, just contact me and perhaps we can arrange something.

OK,  here we go!

Esme Dancing by Beatrice Offor, 1907

“Esme Dancing”, by Beatrice Offor, 1907


Beatrice Offor was an English portraitist of the late 19th and early 20th century.  She painted women almost exclusively and almost always in lavish, other worldly views.





A Zepplin Ice Skater

A Zeppelin Ice Skater





This Fräulein was light on  her feet, and for good reason.  Of course, I know you  know the fantastic story of the Zeppelin Ice Skaters, so I won’t bother repeating it to you here.

Bag Head Babes

Bag-headed Babes

I know there’s a joke in here somewhere.

A charcoal drawing by wladyslaw Benda

Women on Zebras, a Charcoal by Wladyslaw Benda

The work of Benda is among my favorites and this one in particular drives me crazy.

Folies Bergere Dancer

A Dancer from the 1910 Folies Bergère



Few things say “Belle Epoque” as succinctly as the Folies Bergère, and this girl pretty much epitomizes the Folies. Imagine going to work every night on the Metro dressed like this!  Well, a girl’s gotta pay the price if she’s gonna be stylin’!  (Use this card for the invitations to your Halloween party!)





Geishas at the Beach

Beach Geishas


And now we move to the Exotic Far East, where this year’s daring swimsuit selection is attractively displayed by three of Kanucha Bay’s most sought after Geishas. Relax and soak in the Pacific sun’s life-giving rays as the waves gently wash upon the shores and soothe your frazzled nerves! (Having a pool party? Use this for your invitation!)





Girl with big hair

Big Hair (1907)




Some girls wear hats and some don’t.







Suzy Beryl, in "Coeurs en Folie" Photo by Walery,



Suzy Beryl was a big star of the Folies Bergere and she apparently acted like it judging from this photo.  This is a costume she wore for “Coeurs en Folie”, designed by Erté.








If you don’t think someone you know and love won’t think special thoughts about you when you send them one of these cards, you’ve got another thought coming!  (Click HERE to see our entire collection!)

Now for the pièce de résistance:


Now this girl be stylin’!

Don’t snicker – this is a “TRUE life scientifiction” of Nancy’s adventures.  It says so.  The only thing that bugs me is that I wanted to write “Space Slaves of Venus”.


Now, put the kiddies to bed.  It’s time for some adult entertainment:


Important Disclaimer:  I do not approve of or encourage the kind of grammar I used to title this post.


Filed under art, fashion, girls, greeting cards, history, note cards, Photography, styles, the past, Uncategorized, women